Sunday, April 3, 2011

Equal time for Lisa

The fun part for me is recognizing all my studio equipment and Lisa's old furniture in these pages.
Katie grew up to inherit that room after Lisa moved out. Now Katie's moving out of it. And repainting the red ceiling back to white.

Reading these reminds me that 6 is one of my favorite ages

 The downside of having Charlie do the dishes while I did less visible house cleaning, like the bathrooms.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

01-30-1993 was a prolific day for cartoons

I, um, never got much further than that first group of vehicles and Joeys.
Sigh. Joey's very forgiving of my foibles, even if I am not.
(The room has long since been painted over. It's Emily's now)

I don't remember what the "shark tooth" was. I think it was a rock.
Joe's almost 25 now. Maybe he still remembers the tooth...

I was looking for an answer such as,
"Heyyy, you're right! It didn't eat me because I'm stronger than it is!"
All those years of developmental psychology classes, wasted...